The Magic of Chania City

As the end of summer approaches, the infinite blue of the Aegean Sea keeps attracting the eye and inviting into its lap those travelers, who seek the beauty and magic of Greece. Natural beauty reaches its peak in Crete as blinding light mixes with wild landscapes, and the visitor, filled with breathtaking images, searches for peace and emotions in the city's narrow streets.
Summer lasts so much longer in Crete. Ferries, full of visitors keep arriving and the island lavishly offers its beauties; the sea is warm and hospitable and in Chania, people keep celebrating the most beautiful season of the year.

In Chania, rich history, culture,scents and flavors create a magical painting, ready to be explored step by step by the traveler. Greek simplicity meets Venetian architecture; oriental habits meddle with the byzantine legacy. Everywhere you look, vestiges of older times attract your attention.
From the Naval Museum, the traveler strolls on the Old Port's romantic quays, while admiring the Lighthouse. Next, he walks towards Arsenali building complex, entirely made of stone. He leaves the sea behind and escapes from the scorching afternoon sun in the cool shades of the market. He seeks peace of the soul in each one of the little churches and ends up in front of the majestic Metropolis traveling through space and time to the square of a picturesque town of southern Italy. In the city's museums, he discovers ancient Greek treasures hidden under austere gothic arches and admires modern art, harmoniously combined with the delicate architecture of the previous century.

Each one of the Old Town's alleys is full of surprises. Mediterranean atmosphere, shady yards full of flowers, little shops displaying elegant objects, created by Greek artists, picturesque cafes and taverns, where the traveler can rest, hide from the heat of the Cretan summer and taste the delicious fruits of the ongoing harvest, the fulfilling tastes of September.

By dusk, a sweet breeze ruffles the summer heat and shadows create deceiving illusions. As our traveler walks through the narrow alleys, he becomes a Jewish merchant, a Venetian knight, an Ottoman Pasha, and walks around the corners like a child, playing hide and seek with ghosts from other times.
Since art and culture are cleverly mixed with the city's history, each night, the visitor will certainly bump into one of the numerous artistic and musical events, which take place near the old fortification or by the sea; a strong proof that in Chania, every day is a day of feast.
Through mysterious alleys, lively images and fulfilling experiences, the traveler exploring the City of Chania in September knows one thing for sure: the Greek summer never ends in this magical city.